CivGive 2022 - Invictus Game Station

CivGive 2022

CivGive 2022 is a charity event that brings together fans of the popular strategy game series Civilization to raise money for a good cause. The event, which is organized by a group of dedicated volunteers.

The primary goal of CivGive 2022 is to raise money for a charity that is chosen by the organizers and the community. In past years, the event has raised thousands of dollars for organizations such as the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.

Participants in CivGive 2022 took part in a variety of activities, including tournaments, livestreams, and community-building events. There was multiple tournaments with cash prizes and in-game rewards for the winners, as well as opportunities to watch top players and streamers compete in exhibition matches.

In addition to the tournament and streaming events, CivGive 2022 also featured a number of community-building activities, such as discussions and meetups for fans of the series. These activities provided an opportunity for players to connect with each other and share their love of the game.

Overall, CivGive 2022 was a great way for fans of the Civilization series to come together and make a positive impact on the world. By participating in the event, players can not only enjoy their favorite game but also make a difference in the lives of others.

It's a great opportunity to have fun while also contributing to a good cause. It is a win-win situation and we hope that many players will join in the fun and help support a worthy charity next time around.

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Located at

558 Yonge St, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON, M4Y 1Z1

Operational from

Monday 12pm - 1am
Tuesday 12pm - 1am
Wednesday 12pm - 1am
Thursday 12pm - 1am
Friday 12pm - 2am
Saturday 12pm - 2am
Sunday 12pm - 1am

Give us a call at
+1 (647) 349-5589